On 15 May 2024 a workshop on the presentation of the methodology and the IT tool for reporting on the implementation of the Strategy for Judiciary Reform 2024 – 2027 was held in Hotel Hilton in Podgorica.
The workshop was organized in close cooperation of EUROL 3 and the Ministry of Justice for the focal points of the institutions responsible for the implementation of concrete measures and activities of the Strategy and the Action Plan.
The methodology for reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the success of the implementation of the Strategy for Judiciary Reform and its Action Plan has been developed by EUROL 3 short-term expert Milica Kolaković Bojović.
This document contains two main chapters: Instructions for reporting, which covers the obligation to report, the reporting periods and the ways for reporting, the reporting on implemented activities, the reporting on achieved indicators, expenses, timelines and recommendations and the Methodology for monitoring and evaluation of the success of implementation, focusing mainly on recommendations and suggestions for the work of the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy, but also containing information on the collection of data, the reporting template and its publishing, and the early warning mechanism.
This document is aligned with the strategic and operational objectives of the Strategy, as well as with the interim benchmarks related to the judiciary reform and the need for continuous monitoring over the implementation of the judiciary reform (IB 28 and 29).