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EUROL 3 First Steering Committee Meeting

The first Steering Committee Meeting of EUROL 3 took place on 30 June 2022 in Hotel Ramada (Podgorica).

It gathered representatives of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the European Commission/DG NEAR, the Agency for Economic Development and Cooperation (aed), the Austrian Ministry of Justice, the Austrian Ministry of Interior, and Montenegrin beneficiary institutions (the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Council, the Supreme Court, the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution, the Ministry of Interior, the Police Administration, and the Ministry of European Integration).

The event was opened by the EU Delegation Head of Cooperation and the Montenegrin Head of the Chapter 23 negotiation group.

The Team Leader of EUROL 3 and the Heads of the Justice and Police Component of EUROL 3 then presented the (Draft) Inception Report, the (Draft) Workplan, the (Draft) Action Plan, the (Draft) Amended Logical Framework and the (Draft) Activity Matrix.

The presentations were followed by a fruitful discussion of the presented project material.

Following the discussion, the participants took the consensual decision to adopt and accept the Inception Report and its annexes.


9. May 2023
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