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Draft Guidelines for the Use of Plea Bargain Agreements delivered

The Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office (SSPO) developed with the support of EUROL 3 expert Ana Garačić, Draft Guidelines for state prosecutors for the use of Plea Bargain Agreements.

Ms. Garačić worked intensively and in close cooperation with a local expert engaged by the SSPO, between October and December 2022 on these draft guidelines. They conducted research on all relevant regulations and the practice of the SPPO and the criminal courts in which plea bargain agreements are made and prepared a first draft of the document containing an analysis of the legislative framework, some comparative solutions and the use of the plea bargain agreement in practice.

As a part of the overall mission, between 21 to 23 November 2022, Ms. Garačić made an expert visit to Montenegro. During this mission, she met the relevant stakeholders. Jointly with the local expert, she finalized the draft Guidelines, which were delivered to the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office for review and comments in December 2022.

The developed Draft Guidelines were the subject of discussion and further review of the Working Group comprised of representatives of the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office and Supreme Court, in order to be aligned with the developed penal policy in courts, which should facilitate their implementation in practice. The SSPO is planning to adopt the Guidelines which will contain clear instructions for their use in practice and present the Guidelines to all Heads of the State Prosecutor’s Offices with clear instructions for their use in practice.


16. May 2023
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