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Second meeting of the Working Group for development of the Strategy for Judiciary Reform 2024 – 2027 held in Petrovac

EUROL 3 supported the organization of the second meeting of the Working Group for the development of the Justice Reform Strategy 2024-2027, which was held in Petrovac (Hotel Palas) From 26 to 27 October 2023,. The meeting was attended by 15 members of the Working Group, representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Council, the Supreme Court, the Judicial Training Centre, the Bar Chamber, the Chamber of Notaries, the Chamber of Public Bailiffs, the two associations of court experts and a representative of the Secretariat General of the Government. During the meeting, members of the Working Group, continued their work on the finalization of the first draft Strategy for Judiciary Reform for period 2024 – 2027 with the support of the EUROL 3 short-term expert Ms. Milica Kolakovic Bojovic. The draft Strategy has defined the strategic and operational goals in the field of justice aimed at further implementation of the most significant reform priorities established in the negotiation process for Chapter 23.

Once the Working Group finalizes its work on the draft Strategy, it will be presented to the general and professional public at public debate. During this phase it will be opened for comments and suggestions. In the Work Program of the Government of Montenegro, the adoption of the Strategy is planned for the end of the 4th quarter of 2023. It was concluded that after the draft of the Strategy is finalized, the work on the development of the Action Plan for its implementation will begin.

The support to the organization of the second meeting of the Working Group for drafting the Strategy for Judiciary Reform is a part of the overall support which EUROL 3 is providing to the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro in its efforts for strategic planning activities in the area of judiciary reform and the organization and the efficiency of judicial institutions.


3. November 2023
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