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Training on AML-CFT, Asset recovery and Financial Investigations Held

EUROL 3 organized a three-day training on anti-money laundering – counter terrorism financing, asset recovery and financial investigations which was delivered on 26-28 September by international expert Marco Letizi for the Department for Fighting Economic Crime, Corruption and Conducting Financial Investigations of the Police Administration of Montenegro.

During the training, the whole process analysis of suspicious transaction reports along with the financial intelligence carried out by the financial police has been described thoroughly as well as the different typologies of suspicious transaction reports (Italian Model).

The operational process related to inspection activities carried out by the Financial Police has been analysed during the training, as well as the operational process relating to the inspection activities carried out by the Italian Guardia di Finanza, with an in-depth examination of the nature and objectives of anti-money laundering inspections and controls (preliminary and substantial controls). A special focus was put on anti-money laundering inspections of money transfers.

One of the topics covered were financial investigations as a cross-cutting investigative tool to be applied to any kind of serious crimes, such as ML predicate offences.

Furthermore, the IT framework, as essential tool to support effective financial investigations and to make the asset recovery system more effective, was discussed, together with the current situation of databases, the possible establishment of a unique platform, and the level of updating of crime statistics.

The participants discussed the case and investigative methodologies described by the expert in constructive criticism.



3. November 2023
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