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Analysis of the implementation of the Law on Alternative Dispute resolution developed with support of EUROL 3

Upon the request of the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR Centre) and with the aim of improving the use of alternative dispute resolution methods in practice, EUROL 3 contracted the international expert Alan Uzelac, Professor at the Faculty of Law (University of Zagreb), to carry out an analysis of the implementation of the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution and connected laws.

The expert conducted desk research of all relevant legislation, statistics, and reports on the work of the ADR Centre and performed interviews with relevant stakeholders (representatives of the ADR Centre, the Ministry of Justice, the Basic Court Podgorica, mediators, attorneys-at-law, law professors and representatives of NGOs dealing with mediation issues), with logistic support of EUROL 3.

Based on the received information, the meetings conducted during the visit and the consultation with the EUROL 3 team,  the expert delivered in February 2023 the Analysis on the implementation of the Law on ADR and connected laws, which clearly defined issues encountered in the implementation of the Law so far, as well as recommendations and proposals regarding short term (ST), mid-term (MT) or long-term (LT) measures aimed at the improvement of the legislative framework and institutional capacities for better use of the ADR system in practice in Montenegro.

The Analysis has been distributed to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre, to be used as a basis for its initiatives vis-à-vis the Ministry of Justice and the Government aimed at the fulfilment of the given recommendations.





16. May 2023
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