EUROL 3 is supporting the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice in the process of rationalization of the court network. For this purpose, EUROL 3 contracted the international expert Georg Stawa from the Austrian Ministry of Justice, who was tasked with updating the Analysis of the needs for the rationalization of the court network (developed in 2020).
Following desk research of all relevant legislation, reports and other documents and meetings held with the relevant officials of the Ministry of Justice and judicial institutions and through other means of data collection, Mr. Stawa analysed the factual and legal changes that occurred since 2020, when the Analysis of the needs for the rationalization of the Montenegrin court network was adopted. The updated Analysis was developed in September 2022 and delivered to the Ministry of Justice for review and further processing by the inter-sectoral Working Group established by the Ministry of Justice in July 2022.
The Analysis serves as a very good and useful basis to the Working Group for the development of the new Strategic plan for the rationalization of the court network. EUROL 3 continues with supporting the Working Group in this process with continuous expert support of Mr. Stawa.