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Analysis on Human Resources in the Judiciary

The EUROL 3 short term expert Dr Gerhard Jelinek developed and delivered an Analysis of human resources in the judiciary and with recommendations for the introduction of HR tools to increase the flexibility of judges and prosecutors in those courts that have the biggest need.

Between 20 and 22 March 2024, EUROL 3 organized a short expert mission for Dr Jelinek. During this mission Dr Jelinek held meetings with representatives of the Supreme Court of Montenegro, the Basic Court of Podgorica, the Association of Judges, the Ministry of Justice, and the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils. The purpose of this expert mission was the collection of all necessary information and data needed for the drafting the Analysis and the necessary recommendations.

The Analysis provides information about the current situation (statistical data and legislative framework, analysis of existing problems related to the number of judges, the lack of judges and court staff, the lack of motivation, and issues related to the initial training and fist employment as a judge).

It also provides a set of (short and long term) recommendations for the improvement of the established situation. The recommendations were divided into six strategic areas:

  • Improvement of the attractiveness of the profession of judge and of advisor jobs
  • Reduction of hampering the possibility of quick transfers (too high fluctuation)
  • Raising the efficiency of judges’ work
  • Reducing the number of incoming cases and the workload
  • Raising the flexibility of judges
  • Reducing the need for judges

All six strategic areas contain recommendations for further steps, measures, and activities for their achievement.






6. June 2024
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