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Expert Mission on evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy for Judiciary Reform 2019-2022 and its action plans organized and held on 24-26 May 2023

From 24 to 26 May 2023, the EUROL 3 experts PhD Milica Kolaković Bojović and Mihailo Zečević performed an expert mission in Podgorica within which they met representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court, the Judicial Council, the Supreme State Prosecutor, the Prosecutorial Council, the Judicial Training Centre, the Bar Association, the Chamber of Notaries, the Chamber of Public Bailiffs, the expert and civil society organizations, directly or indirectly involved in implementation or monitoring over the implementation of the Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary. The expert mission was organized with the purpose of drafting the Evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary 2019-2022 and its Action Plans.
The expert mission followed desk research conducted by both experts and included the review of all necessary documents and reports, including the annual reports on the implementation of the Strategy and action plans, but also relevant reports of international and national organizations following the situation in RoL, judiciary and overall Chapters 23 and 24 (EU progress reports, EU non-papers on RoL, CEPEJ, but also reports of local NGOs).
The final draft evaluation has been developed in accordance with the methodology foreseen by the General Secretariat of the Government and delivered to the Ministry of Justice on 8 June 2023. The evaluation, along with its findings and recommendations will be an integral part of the Final Report on the implementation of the Strategy and its Action Plans.
The evaluation report will also be used as a basis (in addition to the other analysis) for the development of the new Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary which is planned to be developed and adopted by the end of 2023 and to start with implementation as of January 2024.


16. June 2023
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