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Support to the improvement of the ECRIS and LURIS systems

Between 12 and 14 December 2023, EUROL 3 organized a short-term expert mission carried out by international expert Miroslaw Giembicki, who was in charge of reviewing the state of play of the ECRIS and LURIS systems in Montenegro.

During the mission, the expert had meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Justice (ICT Directorate and Directorate for International Judicial Cooperation), the Judicial Council Secretariat (ICT department) and the Supreme State Prosecution Office (ICT directors), but also with representatives of projects in Montenegro active in the field of ICT and international judicial cooperation (UNOPS and CILC).

Based on the received information and the retrieved relevant documents, the expert developed an Analysis, with an overview of the current state related to LURIS and a roadmap for its improvement and further development, as well as for the creation of preconditions for using ECRIS.

The Analysis has been translated from English to Montenegrin and delivered to the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Council and the Supreme State Prosecution Office, to be used as a basis for further steps in the improvement of LURIS and the establishment of the necessary preconditions for connecting Montenegro to the ECRIS system.



22. April 2024
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