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Training on Conflicts in Jurisdiction and Cross-border Ne bis in idem held in Podgorica

From 19 to 20 June 2023, EUROL 3 organized in close cooperation with the Judicial Training Centre (JTC) a two-day training on Conflicts in Jurisdiction and Cross-border Ne bis in idem. The training was organized for a group of 15 participants (judges, state prosecutors and advisors).The trainers were Maja Rakić (Head of Sector for Mutual Legal Assistance and Judicial Cooperation with Member States of EU in the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia) and Danka Hržina (Deputy of Municipal State Attorney Office in Zagreb seconded to the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia as international speakers contracted by EUROL 3, and Branimir Janjevic, General Director of the Directorate for International Judicial Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice) and Miroslav Bašović (ex judge for investigation in the High Court Podgorica) as local trainers provided by the JTC.

The main aim of this training was to enhance the efficiency of judicial officials (prosecutors and judges) dealing with the application of the ne bis in idem principle in cases of multiple jurisdictions. During the two-day training the following topics were presented and discussed with the participants: European and international legal instruments regulating the ne bis in idem principle, ne bis in idem as grounds for refusal in a large number of EU instruments on judicial cooperation in criminal matters, case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the application of the ne bis in idem principle; conflicts of jurisdiction (relevant EU legislation) and transfer of criminal proceedings – legal bases and practical challenges, including an overview on the new EU legislative initiative in this area and the ne bis in idem principle in Montenegrin national legislation and judicial practice and conflicts of jurisdiction with international elements.

The training on conflicts in jurisdiction and cross-border Ne Bis in Idem was organized as a first training module of the training program on International Judicial Cooperation in criminal and civil matters developed by EUROL 3.


3. November 2023
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