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Working Agreement between Montenegrin SSPO and EPPO signed with support of EUROL 3

EUROL 3 supported the preparation of the conclusion of a Working Arrangement on the cooperation between the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office of Montenegro (SSPO) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).

Representatives of the SSPO and the Ministry of Justice worked closely on the review of the first draft. This was followed by a number of meetings organized by EUROL 3 with the SSPO and the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice (MoJ), as well as IPA 2019 Project, in order to discuss and clarify various issues regarding the draft Working Agreement. Based on these discussions, the EPPO amended its first draft.

As planned, the Working Agreement between the EPPO and the SSPO has been signed on 22 September 2022 in the premises of the EPPO in Luxembourg, by the European Chief Prosecutor Ms. Kövesi and Acting Supreme State Prosecutor of Montenegro Ms. Jovanović.

The Working Agreement will facilitate the cooperation and exchange of information between the parties to ensure effective investigation and prosecution.

Information about the signing of the Working Arrangement has also been published at the website of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (




16. May 2023
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